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Why Your Dog Needs a Water Fountain Bowl

I finally did it, I swapped out my dogs "traditional bowl for a water fountain", which keep the water moving 24/7. It's something I've wanted to do for quite a while, as fountain-style bowls offer many benefits. Let's take a closer look!

Fresh Water is Key

Before we dive into bowls, let's take a minute to chat about the importance of water. Encouraging your dog to lap up fresh water throughout the day is essential for your furkids overall health. Not only is your pup made up of about 80% water, but staying hydrated helps keep their tissues, organs, and systems functioning property. It promotes healthy circulation for the transport of nutrients and oxygen into the cells.

  • Assists in digestion, absorption, and waste removal

  • Aids in flushing toxins from the body

  • Helps to regulate body temperature

  • Helps to moisturise body tissues and lubricate joints

Benefits of Water Fountains dog Bowls


Get this: In one study, the National Sanitation Foundation ranked dog bowls as the fourth most germ contaminated object in the house (right behind kitchen sponges, sinks, and toothbrush holders). While we pet parents need to do a better job of cleaning any and all pet bowls, fountain bowls may help. fountain dog bowls stand out from traditional bowls because they use a submersible pump to keep water circulating. When water continually moves, it prevents bacteria build-up. This ultimately helps to keep the water fresher for longer.

Additionally, with fountain bowls, the water passes through a filter to clean out any dirt or impurities.

Improved Taste

In your home, how long does a single bowl of water sit out on the floor? A couple of hours? One full day? Two full days? Even diligent parents - with the best intentions - get busy at times and can forget to dump/freshen the doggy water. As water sits, though, not only does it become a breeding ground for bacteria, but it also loses its fresh taste. fountain-style bowls keep water moving, and the free-falling streams reportedly add more oxygen to the water. Together, this helps to keep your dogs water tasting great! Another benefit is the water is a few degrees cooler tan what would be in a traditional bowl.

Many Dogs Prefer Moving Water

To your fur family members, there's something quite intriguing about moving water. that's why many dogs get excited and try to drink from sprinklers or dripping hoses. one theory: It's a primal instinct, as our dogs' wild ancestors relied on moving water sources for safer hydration.

The only down side is you need to top the water up, I find with the one I have, it makes a noise that lets me know to add more water. I tend to clean the fountain once a week and change the filter once a month.

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